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Perlbrew Release 0.28

perlbrew 0.28 is a bug-fixing release:

It is also mandatory for users to upgrade Devel::PatchPerl to at least 0.42 (the latest version is 0.46), in order to fix the building of Perl on MacOSX Lion. There are also fixes for building on Ubuntu too. Generally it is always nice to update Devel::Patchperl to the latest.

Also due to a futther plan of implementation, the perlbrew standalone executable is now packed with App::FatPack, which is, IMHO, an awesome tool to build self-contained executables. In case you do not know yet, the cpanm execuatble is also packed with App::FatPack.

Also I (@gugod) submitted yet another perlbrew talk to the coming YAPC::Asia 2011. Althought it has already been talked the last YAPC::Asia, perlbrew was still so young back then. Now the project has been improved and brought up many attention, I figured it a good idea to give a talk once again.